Oh Master,
Master of mine,
See what happens
Through the passage of time.
Where were you master
When business was bad
With me and your sack
Down in the dump?
My palms always itched
I was bound to get rich
Now that you're back
Come in you're welcome.
Oh Master,
Great Master of mine,
Look, see what happens
Through the passage of time.
And where were you master
When I struck your hot iron
On my knock-kneed-anvil
With my hammer of fist?
Blowing in the chill air
My lungs bellowed
Into my heart-hearth
Glowing in the mist.
Oh Master,
Master of mine,
See what happens
Through the passage of time.
With all else you owned
I was tied down
It all became mine
When you fled town
Time on the roller coaster
Turned topsy-turvy
I seed up
And you sawed down
Oh Master,
Great Master of mine,
Look, see what happens
Through the passage of time.
You were in the papers
And on TV too
Now you're here in person
Master! How do you do?
Put down your bowl
Be my guest master
That way to the washroom
There's a bucket of water.