Kiran Subbaiah / Texts about KS / Nirali Lal: Articulation

The invitation for this show was a BLAST. It asks you to SHUT UP. It is neither the artist nor the objects that speak. The objects cannot as they are wedged. They are just there. It is you who thinks and speaks. That is why you are asked to shut up.

With Kiran Subbaiah this is conviction. He knows that he is not looking at things the way we all do. As thoughts provoke that reality is what is scientifically true, Kiran uses SCIENCE as an ALLEGORY thus subverting the indemnity of reality. His works look like science experiments, as he uses objects, which should ideally perform FUNCTIONS in the PRACTICAL sense. But when these objects are challenged from their presupposed functionality and are placed as ART OBJECTS they, very naturally begin to tell you more. As art is in the habit of allegorizing almost everything, Kiran's art balances well between the REALITY of the forms and the DREAMS attached to it.

To write a review on this show - at the Chitrakala Parishath, Bangalore from 21st - 27th Dec. 2002, I took some time. I was not able to write it. I first thought of describing his work as an act of SUBVERSION, of not surrendering to any idea or classification. Objects with a purpose, so not 'objective'. The purpose told by the objects themselves thus not 'subjective'. But then came a UTOPIA, and that remained; the dream UNDEFEATED, not subverted.

Another aspect is when you realize the 'rudeness' of it all. A PLAY but also a MOCKERY. A sense of FRUSTRATION, as these objects are stripped out of their purpose/principle. Switching roles at the COMMAND of the artist. The works are his ego, a state where nothing is allowed to enter/alter. The phrase - "A man's world" is deliberated while seeing an antikiran work; his works cannot be elucidated by any other classification; but instead allot a place, which is all encompassing as construed by the artist. A "HOPELESSNESS" dictated'. But ironically there are also HOPES/PARADOXES/IRONIES/dreams/and so many other things attached to them that it is not possible to look at his works PESSIMISTICALLY, instead the uncouth boyishness is delightful and stimulating and makes that you look at it SADISTICALLY. Thus ANTIkiran is the vibrant REBEL who allows you to share your interpretations with the work...making his art both PERSONAL and UNIVERSAL.

Kiran is a BELIEVER, in what mechanisms can do. Linking Art to science, he most likely attempts to CHANGE the way we all think. But still common notions, as encountered in the gallery space, of "Art looking nice" prevail. This outlines the visual predicament. Visual Art cannot be 'skipped' like a written piece and assessed by 'heard' notions. Art has the power of vision. To COMMUNICATE universally to everyone. Its functionality is beyond the usual functions allotted to objects. To 'create' a statement or to say something more than what we see... and it is the 'function' of the common man to understand this and not bluntly dismiss it.

'Lazy Objects and their Accomplishments' describe the Art works. It is indeed an ACHIEVEMENT to change the way you are supposed to be. And this is done here, by just altering the position of the 'club-shaped' objects. 'Brakes', 'Mousetrap', 'HDV (His Dog's Voice)' are FUNNY. Humor is serious; therefore it has been possible to create these objects, which though helpless, playful and noisy, have a point of view too.

It is also a TEMPTATION to yearn for what is not got, like an obsession. A 'Lazy Object', which supposedly demonstrates a bed of sugar, with a sword-shaped pink rubbery tongue upon it, reveals a futility of it being there, but with a sense of SELF-CONTENTMENT. 'Discontent Content', which shows a bucket... is like a circle.

These are SITUATIONS that make you realize/respect the functionality of objects. When things don't work, you want them more.

Maybe the works are REPRESENTATIONS, as the objects perform along with the titles attached to them. But if they were mere representations, then I would be able to talk about them entirely, without the objects in front of me. But that is not possible. The beauty of it all lies in how the objects represent. This is only partial. Actually I don't need to speak at all.

Another work, titled 'Articulation' is a ball of rope entangled, representing the brain, with a single yarn/strand coming out through the lips. The ball of rope is his art and the single yarn this writing.

Nirali Lal
Bangalore 2003

Kiran Subbaiah / Texts about KS / Nirali Lal: Articulation