Kiran Subbaiah / Texts by KS / Manifesto for a Sustainable Art Ecology

Dissolve distinction between artist, art and beholder.

Audiences congregate in large empty spaces to imagine their own art.

All artistic thought that takes shape in the mind, to be withheld from being expressed and reserved strictly for their author to behold.

Physicality of art practices to be restricted to contain even the slightest hint of expression.

Cultivate the morale that it is shameful to express art one imagines, and to expose oneself to art imagined by others.

Dynamic and potentially expressive forms of practice that cannot be suppressed, to be carried out in specially equipped private one-person chambers, or - when the muses strike unannounced - at the nearest bathroom mirror with door closed.

Conserve artistic resources by imagining less art.

Encourage regular congregations but with no compulsion to imagine art: Preferably imagine nothing.

Promote forgetting the essence of all art previously imagined to allow the same essence to be experienced anew.

Permit only expressions that undermine art and bear inspiration for its renunciation. Absolute and universal renunciation may never be achieved, but granting this exception would greatly benefit the art ecology.

Find practical uses for non-art conceptions that show signs of conspiracy (art infiltrating the real world in disguise). If ingenious uses cannot be assigned to a conception, mass-produce the conception as bookmark, paperweight or ashtray, in large quantities.

Remember, this is not about material ecology - Nor about a non-sustainable art ecology.

Kiran Subbaiah / Texts by KS / Manifesto for a Sustainable Art Ecology